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MazChecklist is a standalone component that allows creating a checklist with integrated search functionality. It provides a flexible and customizable user interface for selecting multiple items from a list of options. The component supports real-time search, color customization, and displays messages when no results are found.


Before you have to import the global css files in your project, follow instructions in Getting Started


Selected languages: none

query value: none

Props, Event & Slots


Prop nameDescriptionTypeValuesDefault
modelValueThe model value of the checklist (selected items)Array-undefined
queryThe query to filter the items (model)string-undefined
itemsThe list of items to displayArray-undefined
titleThe title of the checkliststring-undefined
elevationAdd elevation to the card
@default false
searchThe search input options
intersection-() => ({
enabled: false,
searchOptionsThe options to normalize the search queryNormalizeStringOptions-
colorThe color of the checklist (card, checkbox and search input)
@default primary


Event namePropertiesDescription
update:queryvalue mixed - The new queryEmitted when the query change
update:model-valuevalue mixed - The new valueEmitted when the model value change


titleuse this slot to customize the title
no-resultsuse this slot to customize the no results area
no-results-textuse this slot to customize the no results message
itemuse this slot to customize the item