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useSwipe is a Vue 3 composable that simplifies the management of "swipe" interactions on HTML elements.


useSwipe allows you to detect and react to swiping movements on an HTML element. It provides you with various information about the swipe movement, such as the direction, distance, start, and end coordinates. You can use this information to implement specific interactions in your application, such as scrolling a carousel, opening a side menu, etc.

Key Features

  • Detects swipes in all 4 directions (left, right, up, down)
  • Provides key information about the swipe movement (start/end coordinates, horizontal/vertical distance)
  • Allows you to configure callbacks for each swipe direction
  • Possibility to customize the swipe detection threshold
  • Automatically handles the addition and removal of event listeners
  • Can be used with any HTML element

Basic Usage

Swipe in any direction
(You should use a real device or a mobile simulator to test the swipe functionality)

Last swipe direction: None

Here's an example of using the useSwipe composable:

  <div ref="swipeContainer" class="swipe-container">
      Swipe in any direction<br>
      <span class="maz-text-sm maz-text-muted">
        (You should use a real device or a mobile simulator to test the swipe functionality)
      Last swipe direction: {{lastSwipeDirection || 'None'}}

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useSwipe } from 'maz-ui'
import { onMounted, onUnmounted, ref } from 'vue'

const swipeContainer = ref<HTMLDivElement>()

const lastSwipeDirection = ref<string>('None')

const { xDiff, yDiff, start, stop } = useSwipe({
  element: swipeContainer,
  onLeft: () => lastSwipeDirection.value = 'Swiped left',
  onRight: () => lastSwipeDirection.value = 'Swiped right',
  onUp: () => lastSwipeDirection.value = 'Swiped up',
  onDown: () => lastSwipeDirection.value = 'Swiped down',
  threshold: 50,

 * Start listening for swipe events
 * You can also call start() directly
 * But it's better to call it in onMounted specially for SSR
onMounted(() => {

// Stop listening for swipe events
onUnmounted(() => {

.swipe-container {
  border: 1px solid #e2e2e3;
  border-radius: 10px;
  height: 200px;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 1.2rem;

In this example, the useSwipe composable is used to detect swiping movements on an HTML element with the container class. When a swipe is detected, the horizontal (xDiff) and vertical (yDiff) coordinates of the movement are displayed.

Additionally, callbacks are defined for each swipe direction (onLeft, onRight, onUp, onDown), which will be called when the corresponding swipe is detected.

The swipe detection threshold is also customized to 50 pixels.


useSwipe accepts an options object with the following properties:

interface UseSwipeOptions {
   * The HTML element on which the swipe events will be handled. This can be either a direct reference to the element or a CSS selector.
   * @required
  element: HTMLElement | string | Ref<HTMLElement>
  /** Callback executed when a left swipe is detected. */
  onLeft?: (event: TouchEvent) => void
  /** Callback executed when a right swipe is detected. */
  onRight?: (event: TouchEvent) => void
  /** Callback executed when an up swipe is detected. */
  onUp?: (event: TouchEvent) => void
  /** Callback executed when a down swipe is detected. */
  onDown?: (event: TouchEvent) => void
   * The minimum distance the swipe must travel to be considered valid.
   * @default 50
  threshold?: number
   * Whether to prevent the default behavior of the touchmove event.
   * @default false
  preventDefaultOnTouchMove?: boolean
   * Whether to prevent the default behavior of the mousewheel event.
   * @default false
  preventDefaultOnMouseWheel?: boolean
   * Whether to trigger the swipe event immediately on touchstart/mousedown.
   * @default false
  immediate?: boolean
   * Whether to trigger the swipe event only on touchend/mouseup.
   * @default false
  triggerOnEnd?: boolean

Composable Return

useSwipe returns an object with the following properties:

interface UseSwipeReturn {
  /** A function to start listening for swipe events. */
  start: () => void
  /** A function to stop listening for swipe events. */
  stop: () => void
  /** The horizontal difference between the start and end coordinates of the swipe. */
  xDiff: Ref<number | undefined>
  /** The vertical difference between the start and end coordinates of the swipe. */
  yDiff: Ref<number | undefined>
  /** The horizontal start coordinate of the swipe. */
  xStart: Ref<number | undefined>
  /** The horizontal end coordinate of the swipe. */
  xEnd: Ref<number | undefined>
  /** The vertical start coordinate of the swipe. */
  yStart: Ref<number | undefined>
  /** The vertical end coordinate of the swipe. */
  yEnd: Ref<number | undefined>


  • Make sure to call the start() function to start listening for swipe events.
  • You can call the stop() function to stop listening for swipe events.
  • If you use the composable in a Vue component, make sure to call it in the setup() and clean up the event listeners in the onUnmounted().
  • The composable automatically handles the addition and removal of event listeners based on the provided options.
  • You can customize the swipe detection threshold by modifying the threshold option.
  • If you want to prevent the default behavior of touchmove or mousewheel events, you can set the preventDefaultOnTouchMove and preventDefaultOnMouseWheel options, respectively.