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Nuxt Module

This module enables auto imports of CSS files, components, composables and installs plugins and directives


Module compatible with Nuxt v3 or later


npm install maz-ui
# or yarn add maz-ui
# or pnpm add maz-ui

Add it to your Nuxt modules:

See all available options here

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['maz-ui/nuxt'],
  mazUi: {
    injectComponents: true,
    injectCss: true,
    injectAos: {
      injectCss: true,
    injectUseToast: true,
    injectUseThemeHandler: true,
    devtools: true,
  // You can also use the public runtime config
  runtimeConfig: {
    public: {
      mazUi: {

Basic usage

The components, plugins and tools are auto-imported

  <MazBtn @click="toggleTheme">
    Button auto-imported

<script lang="ts" setup>
  const toast = useToast()
  const {
  } = useThemeHandler()'Success message')


Module Options

export interface MazUiNuxtOptions {
   * Prefix for composables
   * @description This prefix will be added after `use` keyword
   * @example `composablePrefix: 'Maz'` will generate `useMazToast` composable instead of `useToast`
   * @default ''
  autoImportPrefix?: string
   * Enable auto-import of main css file
   * @default true
  injectCss?: boolean
   * Install aos plugin and enable auto-import of useAos composable
   * @default true
    | boolean
    | (Omit<AosOptions, 'router'> & {
         * Auto inject aos CSS file
         * @default true
        injectCss?: boolean
         * Set `true` to re-run animations on page change
         * @default false
        router?: boolean
   * Install toaster plugin and enable auto-import of useToast composable
   * @default true
  injectUseToast?: boolean | ToasterOptions
   * Install wait plugin and enable auto-import of useWait composable
   * @default true
  injectUseWait?: boolean
   * Enable auto-import of useThemeHandler composable
   * @default true
  injectUseThemeHandler?: boolean | ThemeHandlerOptions
   * Enable auto-import of useIdleTimeout composable
   * @default true
  injectUseIdleTimeout?: boolean
   * Enable auto-import of useUserVisibility composable
   * @default true
  injectUseUserVisibility?: boolean
   * Enable auto-import of useTimer composable
   * @default true
  injectUseTimer?: boolean
   * Enable auto-import of useWindowSize composable
   * @default true
  injectUseWindowSize?: boolean
   * Enable auto-import of useBreakpoints composable
   * @default true
  injectUseBreakpoints?: boolean
   * Globally install of v-zoom-img directive
   * @default true
  installVZoomImg?: boolean
   * Globally install of v-click-outside directive
   * @default true
  installVClickOutside?: boolean
   * Globally install of v-fullscreen-img directive
   * @default true
  installVFullscreenImg?: boolean
   * Globally install of v-lazy-img directive
   * @default true
  installVLazyImg?: boolean | vLazyImgOptions
   * Globally install of v-tooltip directive
   * @default true
  installVTooltip?: boolean | vTooltipOptions
   * Enable auto-import of all components
   * @default true
  injectComponents?: boolean
   * Default path to public svg icons folder for `<MazIcon />` component
   * @default undefined
  defaultMazIconPath?: string
   * Enable Nuxt Devtools integration
   * @default true
  devtools?: boolean