MazInput is a standalone component that replaces the standard html input text with a beautiful design system. Many options like colors, sizes, disabled, loading, error, warning, valid states, error messages and icons are included.
Before you have to import the global css files in your project, follow instructions in Getting Started
Basic usage
Top label
Assistive text
Will make the input required and
charac to the label or the placeholder
Will replace the label, useful to display short message
Use icon name
View code
When you use the properties right-icon
, left-icon
or icon
with the icon name (string), the component uses <MazIcon name="..." />
Check out how MazIcon works, see all available icons and download them to put them in your public folder.
label="label icons"
Use your own SVG icons
View code
label="label icons"
<template #left-icon>
<svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M2.25 18.75C7.71719 18.75 13.0136 19.4812 18.0468 20.8512C18.7738 21.0491 19.5 20.5086 19.5 19.7551V18.75M3.75 4.5V5.25C3.75 5.66421 3.41421 6 3 6H2.25M2.25 6V5.625C2.25 5.00368 2.75368 4.5 3.375 4.5H20.25M2.25 6V15M20.25 4.5V5.25C20.25 5.66421 20.5858 6 21 6H21.75M20.25 4.5H20.625C21.2463 4.5 21.75 5.00368 21.75 5.625V15.375C21.75 15.9963 21.2463 16.5 20.625 16.5H20.25M21.75 15H21C20.5858 15 20.25 15.3358 20.25 15.75V16.5M20.25 16.5H3.75M3.75 16.5H3.375C2.75368 16.5 2.25 15.9963 2.25 15.375V15M3.75 16.5V15.75C3.75 15.3358 3.41421 15 3 15H2.25M15 10.5C15 12.1569 13.6569 13.5 12 13.5C10.3431 13.5 9 12.1569 9 10.5C9 8.84315 10.3431 7.5 12 7.5C13.6569 7.5 15 8.84315 15 10.5ZM18 10.5H18.0075V10.5075H18V10.5ZM6 10.5H6.0075V10.5075H6V10.5Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<template #right-icon>
<svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M15.75 6C15.75 8.07107 14.071 9.75 12 9.75C9.9289 9.75 8.24996 8.07107 8.24996 6C8.24996 3.92893 9.9289 2.25 12 2.25C14.071 2.25 15.75 3.92893 15.75 6Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M4.5011 20.1182C4.5714 16.0369 7.90184 12.75 12 12.75C16.0982 12.75 19.4287 16.0371 19.4988 20.1185C17.216 21.166 14.6764 21.75 12.0003 21.75C9.32396 21.75 6.78406 21.1659 4.5011 20.1182Z" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
Use vite-svg-loader
View code
label="label icons"
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import MazInput from 'maz-ui/components/MazInput'
import BanknotesIcon from 'maz-ui/icons/banknotes.svg'
import UserIcon from 'maz-ui/icons/user.svg'
const inputValue = ref('value')
Auto focus
Will focus automatically the component
No radius
Will remove the border radius
The value emit by the input will be delayed, usefull for searching
The attribute
is in millisecondsIf the debounce is true, the default debounce delay is 500ms
modelValue: null
Use the attribute
with a value in mini, xs, sm, md, lg, xl
Click on each input to show colors
Use the attribute color
with a value in this list, the component will use this color
Rounded Size
Use the attribute rounded-size
with a value in 'none' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'full'
Valid Button
Props, Event & Slots
Prop name | Description | Type | Values | Default |
style | The style of the component | TSIndexedAccessType | - | undefined |
class | The class of the component | TSIndexedAccessType | - | undefined |
modelValue | The value of the input@model true | union | - | undefined |
placeholder | The placeholder of the input | string | - | undefined |
label | The label of the component This label will be displayed inside the input and will be up when the input is focused | string | - | undefined |
topLabel | The top label of the component This label will be displayed above the input | string | - | |
assistiveText | The additional text of the component This text will be displayed below the input | string | - | |
name | The attribut name of the input | string | - | undefined |
color | The color of the component | Color | - | 'primary' |
type | The attribut type of the input | union | - | 'text' |
required | The attribut required of the input | boolean | - | false |
disabled | The attribut disabled of the input | boolean | - | false |
readonly | The attribut readonly of the input | boolean | - | false |
id | The attribut id of the input | string | - | undefined |
error | Enable error state UI | boolean | - | false |
success | Enable success state UI | boolean | - | false |
warning | Enable warning state UI | boolean | - | false |
hint | The hint will replace the label | string | - | undefined |
inputClasses | The class of the input wrapper div element | string | - | undefined |
noBorder | Remove the border of the input | boolean | - | false |
noRadius | Remove the radius of the input | boolean | - | false |
inputmode | The attribut inputmode of the input | TSIndexedAccessType | - | 'text' |
size | The size of the component | Size | - | 'md' |
debounce | Enable debounce on input - can be boolean | number , if it is a number, it is used for the debounce delay | union | - | false |
debounceDelay | The delay of the debounce@deprecated use debounce instead | number | - | 500 |
validButton | Display the valid button - this button has type="submit" | boolean | - | false |
validButtonLoading | Display the loading state on the valid button | boolean | - | false |
autoFocus | if true the input will be focus on render | boolean | - | false |
borderActive | if true the component has the colorized border by default, not only on focus | boolean | - | false |
leftIcon | The left icon of the input@type {string | FunctionalComponent<SVGAttributes> | ComponentPublicInstance | Component} | union | - | undefined |
rightIcon | The right icon of the input@type {string | FunctionalComponent<SVGAttributes> | ComponentPublicInstance | Component} | union | - | undefined |
roundedSize | Size radius of the component's border@values 'none' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'full' | union | - | undefined |
block | The input will be displayed in full width | boolean | - | |
autocomplete | The attribut autocomplete of the input | string | - |
Event name | Properties | Description |
click | event Event - click event | Event emitted when the input is clicked |
update:model-value | value string | number | null | undefined | boolean - the new value | Event emitted when the input value change |
focus | event Event - focus event | Event emitted when the input is focused |
blur | event Event - blur event | Event emitted when the input is blurred |
change | event Event - change event | Event emitted when the input is changed |
input | event Event - change event | Event emitted when the input is changed |
Name | Description | Bindings |
left-icon | The icon to display on the left of the input | |
right-icon | The icon to display on the right of the input | |
valid-button | Replace the valid button by your own |