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MazSelect - with "multiple" options

MazSelect is a standalone component that replaces the standard html input select with a beautiful design system. There are many options like multiple values, search text field, custom templates options, colors, sizes, disabled, loading, error, warning, valid states, error messages, and icons.


Before you have to import the global css files in your project, follow instructions in Getting Started


This component use MazInput, so it inherits all his props

Basic usage

Select color



Choose options


Use search property to add a search input in the options list


You can use your own template to replace the empty icon when no results are found

View code
  <template #no-results>
    <div class="p-4 text-center">
      No result


You can adjust the search results by using search-threshold where 1 is a perfect match and 0 is a match with any character

<MazSelect :search-threshold="0.75" :options="[...]" />
Select color

Custom search function

You can provide your own search function to customize the search behavior

Opt Group

Group your options like a native optgroup

Select options

Custom template options

Customize the options list with your own template

Select color

Custom options model

By default, the options should be an array of { value: any, label: string }

If you want custom keys of these options, you can use:

  • option-value-key to override the key of the value in your option
  • option-label-key to override the key of the label to show in the option list
  • option-input-value-key to override the key of the value to show in the input



type ModelValueSimple = string | number | null | undefined | boolean

Props, Event & Slots


Prop nameDescriptionTypeValuesDefault
styleStyle attribut of the component root elementTSIndexedAccessType-undefined
classClass attribut of the component root elementTSIndexedAccessType-undefined
idThe id of the selectstring-undefined
modelValueThe value of the selectunion-undefined
optionsThe options of the selectArray-undefined
optionValueKeyThe key of the option value
@default 'value'
optionLabelKeyThe key of the option label
@default 'label'
optionInputValueKeyThe key of the option input value
@default 'label'
listPositionThe position of the list
@default 'bottom left'
Position-'bottom left'
itemHeightThe height of the option list itemnumber-undefined
maxListHeightThe max height of the option listnumber-240
maxListWidthThe max width of the option listnumber-undefined
minListHeightThe min height of the option listnumber-undefined
minListWidthThe min width of the option listnumber-undefined
sizeThe size of the select
@default 'md'
colorThe color of the select
@default 'primary'
searchDisplay search input in option listboolean-
searchPlaceholderThe placeholder of the search input
@default 'Search in options'
string-'Search in options'
searchFunctionReplace the default search function to provide a custom search function
@default undefined
searchThresholdThe threshold for the search input where 1 is a perfect match and 0 is a match with any character
@default 0.75
openif true, the option list is opened by defaultboolean-
multipleEnable the multiple selectionboolean-undefined
requiredMake the input required in the formboolean-
disabledDisable the componentboolean-
blockThe input will be displayed in full widthboolean-
excludeSelectorsThe exclude selectors for the v-closable directive - will exclude the elements from the directiveArray-undefined
autocompleteThe autocomplete attribute of the input
@default 'off'


Event namePropertiesDescription
closevalue Event - the eventOn list is closed
openvalue boolean - if the list is opened or notOn list is opened
blurvalue Event - the eventOn input blur
focusvalue Event - the eventOn input focus
changevalue Event - the eventOn input change value
inputvalue Event - the eventOn input value
update:model-valuevalue ModelValueSimple | ModelValueSimple[] - the new valueOn model value update, returns the new value
selected-optionvalue MazSelectOption - the option objectOn selected value, returns the option object


no-resultsNo results slot - Displayed when no results corresponding with search query
optgroupCustom optgroup labellabel String - the label of the optgroup
defaultCustom optionoption Object - the option object
is-selected Boolean - if the option is selected



Method to open the option list


Method to close the option list