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MazDialogPromise is a standalone component that dialogs with the user to show important information and propose confirmation. You should wait for this response with await.


Before you have to import the global css files in your project, follow instructions in Getting Started


This component uses MazDialog, so it inherits all its props


This component uses <Teleport to="body"> with MazBackdrop, so you can implement this component anywhere and it inherits all its props

Basic usage

  <MazBtn @click="askToUser">Ask user</MazBtn>

  <MazDialogPromise identifier="two" :buttons="buttons">
    <template #title>
      Do you really want to delete this user?
    <template #default>
      Are you really sure you want to delete this user?

  <MazDialog v-model="confirmDialog">
    <template #title>
      User deleted
    <template #default>
      User has been deleted!
    <template #footer="{ close }">
      <MazBtn @click="close">

<script setup>
  import { ref } from 'vue'

  import MazDialogPromise, {
    useMazDialogPromise, type DialogCustomButton, type DialogData
  } from 'maz-ui/components/MazDialogPromise'

  import MazDialog from 'maz-ui/components/MazDialog'

  const confirmDialog = ref(false)

  const { showDialogAndWaitChoice, data } = useMazDialogPromise()

  data.value = {
    title: 'Delete user',
    message: 'Are you sure you want to delete this user?',

  const buttons: DialogCustomButton[] = [
      text: 'Cancel',
      type: 'reject',
      color: 'danger',
      response: new Error('cancel'),
      size: 'sm',
      text: 'Delete!',
      type: 'resolve',
      color: 'success',
      response: 'delete',
      size: 'lg',

  async function askToUser () {
    try {
      const responseOne = await showDialogAndWaitChoice('one')
      toast.success(responseOne, {
        position: 'top-right'
      const responseTwo = await showDialogAndWaitChoice('two')
      toast.success(responseTwo, {
        position: 'top-right'
      confirmDialog.value = true
    } catch (error) {
      toast.error(error.message ?? error, {
        position: 'top-right'


type DialogData = {
   * Dialog title
  title?: string
   * Dialog message
  message?: string
   * Dialog cancel text
   * @default 'Cancel'
  cancelText?: string
   * Dialog cancel button
  cancelButton?: false | DialogButton
   * Dialog confirm text
   * @default 'Confirm'
  confirmText?: string
   * Dialog confirm button
  confirmButton?: false | DialogButton
   * Dialog custom buttons
  buttons?: DialogCustomButton[]

 type DialogButton = {
  text?: string
  block?: boolean
  color?: Color
  disabled?: boolean
  loading?: boolean
  outline?: boolean
  rounded?: boolean
  size?: Size

type DialogCustomButton = DialogButton & {
  text: string
  type: 'resolve' | 'reject'
  response?: unknown

type Color =
  | 'primary'
  | 'secondary'
  | 'info'
  | 'success'
  | 'warning'
  | 'danger'
  | 'white'
  | 'black'
  | 'transparent'

type Size = 'mini' | 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl'

Props & Slots


Prop nameDescriptionTypeValuesDefault
dataDialog Data - @type DialogDataDialogData-undefined
identifierUniq identifierstring-
buttonsCustom buttons - @type DialogCustomButton[]Array-undefined


titletitle slot - Place your title
defaultDefault slot - Place your contentresolve Function - resolve function
reject Function - reject function
footer-buttonFooter slotresolve Function - resolve function
reject Function - reject function
cancel-textcancel-text slot - Place your cancel text
confirm-textconfirm-text slot - Place your confirm text