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Maz-ui is customizable using CSS variables. Apply your color & border preferences.

You must override --maz-*** CSS variables

Generate your theme with the CLI included


Add maz-ui config file

In the root folder of your project, add a file named maz-ui.config.{ts, js, mjs, cjs} as bellow (typescript interface)

All input colors can be in HEX, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA and named formats.

No theme variables are required, you can put only one if you wish

import { defineConfig } from '@mazui/cli'

export default defineConfig({
  outputCssFilePath: './css/maz-ui-variables.css',
  theme: {
    colors: {
      primary: 'hsl(210, 100%, 56%)',
      secondary: 'hsl(164, 76%, 46%)',
      info: 'hsl(188, 78%, 41%)',
      success: 'hsl(80, 61%, 50%)',
      warning: 'hsl(40, 97%, 59%)',
      danger: 'hsl(1, 100%, 71%)',
      bgOverlay: 'hsl(0, 0%, 0% / 30%)',
      lightTheme: {
        textColor: 'hsl(0, 0%, 85%)',
        colorMuted: 'hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.54)',
        bgColor: 'hsl(0, 0%, 100%)',
      darkTheme: {
        textColor: 'hsl(210, 8%, 14%)',
        colorMuted: 'hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.54)',
        bgColor: 'hsl(235, 16%, 15%)',
    borderColor: 'hsl(220deg 13.04% 90.98%)',
    borderWidth: '0.125rem',
    borderRadius: '0.5rem',
    fontFamily: `system-ui, -apple-system, blinkmacsystemfont, 'Segoe UI', roboto, oxygen,
    ubuntu, cantarell, 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif`,

Generate CSS file variables

Two ways to generate the CSS file:

Run CLI command

In your terminal, on your root folder project, run this command:

npx maz-ui generate-css-vars
# or pnpx maz-ui generate-css-vars

With package.json script

  "scripts": {
    "generate-css-vars": "maz-ui generate-css-vars"
npm run generate-css-vars
# or yanr generate-css-vars
# or pnpm generate-css-vars

Then, the file will be generated, and you must import it in your project.

Be careful, depending on the chosen colors, some variants may need to be adjusted

List of CSS variables

Show CSS variables
:root {
  /* PRIMARY */
  --maz-color-primary-50: hsl(210deg 100% 95%);
  --maz-color-primary-100: hsl(210deg 100% 87%);
  --maz-color-primary-200: hsl(210deg 100% 79%);
  --maz-color-primary-300: hsl(210deg 100% 71%);
  --maz-color-primary-400: hsl(210deg 100% 64%);
  --maz-color-primary: hsl(210deg 100% 56%);
  --maz-color-primary-600: hsl(210deg 79% 46%);
  --maz-color-primary-700: hsl(210deg 78% 36%);
  --maz-color-primary-800: hsl(210deg 79% 26%);
  --maz-color-primary-900: hsl(210deg 79% 17%);
  --maz-color-primary-alpha: hsl(210deg 100% 56% / 60%);
  --maz-color-primary-alpha-20: hsl(210deg 100% 56% / 20%);
  --maz-color-primary-alpha-10: hsl(210deg 100% 56% / 10%);
  --maz-color-primary-alpha-05: hsl(210deg 100% 56% / 05%);
  --maz-color-primary-contrast: hsl(0deg 0% 100%);

  --maz-color-secondary-50: hsl(164deg 65% 93%);
  --maz-color-secondary-100: hsl(164deg 66% 84%);
  --maz-color-secondary-200: hsl(164deg 66% 75%);
  --maz-color-secondary-300: hsl(164deg 66% 65%);
  --maz-color-secondary-400: hsl(164deg 66% 56%);
  --maz-color-secondary: hsl(164deg 76% 46%);
  --maz-color-secondary-600: hsl(164deg 76% 38%);
  --maz-color-secondary-700: hsl(164deg 77% 30%);
  --maz-color-secondary-800: hsl(164deg 77% 22%);
  --maz-color-secondary-900: hsl(164deg 77% 14%);
  --maz-color-secondary-alpha: hsl(164deg 76% 46% / 60%);
  --maz-color-secondary-alpha-20: hsl(164deg 76% 46% / 20%);
  --maz-color-secondary-alpha-10: hsl(164deg 76% 46% / 10%);
  --maz-color-secondary-alpha-05: hsl(164deg 76% 46% / 05%);
  --maz-color-secondary-contrast: hsl(0deg 0% 100%);

  --maz-color-info-50: hsl(188deg 53% 93%);
  --maz-color-info-100: hsl(188deg 54% 82%);
  --maz-color-info-200: hsl(188deg 53% 72%);
  --maz-color-info-300: hsl(188deg 53% 61%);
  --maz-color-info-400: hsl(188deg 53% 51%);
  --maz-color-info: hsl(188deg 78% 41%);
  --maz-color-info-600: hsl(188deg 78% 34%);
  --maz-color-info-700: hsl(188deg 78% 26%);
  --maz-color-info-800: hsl(188deg 78% 19%);
  --maz-color-info-900: hsl(188deg 77% 12%);
  --maz-color-info-alpha: hsl(188deg 78% 41% / 60%);
  --maz-color-info-alpha-20: hsl(188deg 78% 41% / 20%);
  --maz-color-info-alpha-10: hsl(188deg 78% 41% / 10%);
  --maz-color-info-alpha-05: hsl(188deg 78% 41% / 05%);
  --maz-color-info-contrast: hsl(0deg 0% 100%);

  --maz-color-success-50: hsl(80deg 63% 94%);
  --maz-color-success-100: hsl(80deg 61% 85%);
  --maz-color-success-200: hsl(80deg 60% 76%);
  --maz-color-success-300: hsl(80deg 61% 68%);
  --maz-color-success-400: hsl(80deg 61% 59%);
  --maz-color-success: hsl(80deg 61% 50%);
  --maz-color-success-600: hsl(80deg 61% 41%);
  --maz-color-success-700: hsl(80deg 60% 33%);
  --maz-color-success-800: hsl(80deg 60% 24%);
  --maz-color-success-900: hsl(80deg 61% 15%);
  --maz-color-success-alpha: hsl(80deg 61% 50% / 60%);
  --maz-color-success-alpha-20: hsl(80deg 61% 50% / 20%);
  --maz-color-success-alpha-10: hsl(80deg 61% 50% / 10%);
  --maz-color-success-alpha-05: hsl(80deg 61% 50% / 05%);
  --maz-color-success-contrast: hsl(210deg 8% 14%);

  --maz-color-warning-50: hsl(40deg 100% 95%);
  --maz-color-warning-100: hsl(40deg 97% 88%);
  --maz-color-warning-200: hsl(40deg 98% 81%);
  --maz-color-warning-300: hsl(40deg 97% 73%);
  --maz-color-warning-400: hsl(40deg 98% 66%);
  --maz-color-warning: hsl(40deg 97% 59%);
  --maz-color-warning-600: hsl(40deg 68% 49%);
  --maz-color-warning-700: hsl(40deg 67% 38%);
  --maz-color-warning-800: hsl(40deg 68% 28%);
  --maz-color-warning-900: hsl(40deg 67% 18%);
  --maz-color-warning-alpha: hsl(40deg 97% 59% / 60%);
  --maz-color-warning-alpha-20: hsl(40deg 97% 59% / 20%);
  --maz-color-warning-alpha-10: hsl(40deg 97% 59% / 10%);
  --maz-color-warning-alpha-05: hsl(40deg 97% 59% / 05%);
  --maz-color-warning-contrast: hsl(217deg 19% 27%);

  --maz-color-danger-50: hsl(1deg 100% 96%);
  --maz-color-danger-100: hsl(1deg 100% 91%);
  --maz-color-danger-200: hsl(2deg 100% 86%);
  --maz-color-danger-300: hsl(1deg 100% 81%);
  --maz-color-danger-400: hsl(1deg 100% 76%);
  --maz-color-danger: hsl(1deg 100% 71%);
  --maz-color-danger-600: hsl(1deg 58% 58%);
  --maz-color-danger-700: hsl(1deg 41% 46%);
  --maz-color-danger-800: hsl(1deg 42% 34%);
  --maz-color-danger-900: hsl(1deg 41% 21%);
  --maz-color-danger-alpha: hsl(1deg 100% 71% / 60%);
  --maz-color-danger-alpha-20: hsl(1deg 100% 71% / 20%);
  --maz-color-danger-alpha-10: hsl(1deg 100% 71% / 10%);
  --maz-color-danger-alpha-05: hsl(1deg 100% 71% / 05%);
  --maz-color-danger-contrast: hsl(0deg 0% 100%);

  /* WHITE */
  --maz-color-white: hsl(0deg 0% 100%);
  --maz-color-white-contrast: hsl(0deg 0% 0%);

  /* BLACK */
  --maz-color-black: hsl(0deg 0% 0%);
  --maz-color-black-contrast: hsl(0deg 0% 100%);

  --maz-color-text-light: hsl(0deg 0% 85%);
  --maz-color-muted-light: hsl(0deg 0% 0% / 54%);

  --maz-color-text-dark: hsl(210deg 8% 14%);
  --maz-color-muted-dark: hsl(0deg 0% 89% / 54%);

  /** BG OVERLAY **/
  --maz-bg-overlay: hsl(0deg 0% 0% / 30%);

  /** BG LIGHT COLOR **/
  --maz-bg-color-light-lighter: hsl(0deg 0% 97%);
  --maz-bg-color-light-light: hsl(0deg 0% 94%);
  --maz-bg-color-light: hsl(0deg 0% 100%);
  --maz-bg-color-light-dark: hsl(0deg 0% 91%);
  --maz-bg-color-light-darker: hsl(0deg 0% 88%);

  /** BG DARK COLOR **/;
  --maz-bg-color-dark-lighter: hsl(238deg 16% 25%);
  --maz-bg-color-dark-light: hsl(237deg 16% 20%);
  --maz-bg-color-dark: hsl(235deg 16% 15%);
  --maz-bg-color-dark-dark: hsl(238deg 16% 12%);
  --maz-bg-color-dark-darker: hsl(238deg 16% 7%);

  * Border of components
  --maz-border-color: hsl(220deg 13.04% 90.98%);

  * DEFAULT BORDER WIDTH (0.063rem = 1px with a font-size base of 16px)
  --maz-border-width: 0.063rem;

  * DEFAULT BORDER RADIUS (0.7rem = 11.2px with a font-size base of 16px)
  --maz-border-radius: 0.7rem;

  * Not used in the library --> Use this variable on your <html> element (optional)
  --maz-font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, blinkmacsystemfont, 'Segoe UI',
    roboto, oxygen, ubuntu, cantarell, 'Fira Sans', 'Droid Sans',
    'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;

Maz-UI configuration file Typescript interface

Show Typescript interface
interface MazUiConfig {
   * Path and name of generate CSS file
   * @example './css/maz-ui-variables.css'
  outputCssFilePath: string
  theme: {
    colors: {
      primary?: string
      secondary?: string
      info?: string
      danger?: string
      success?: string
      warning?: string
      bgOverlay?: string
      lightTheme?: {
        textColor?: string
        colorMuted?: string
        bgColor?: string
      darkTheme?: {
        textColor?: string
        colorMuted?: string
        bgColor?: string
     * Border color applied to components like: inputs, card, etc
    borderColor?: string
     * Border width applied to components like: inputs, card, etc
    borderWidth?: string
     * Radius applied to rounded components like: buttons, inputs, card, etc.
    borderRadius?: string
    fontFamily?: string