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MazPicker is a standalone component for select dates and time. Provides range, date and time mode


Before you have to import the global css files in your project, follow instructions in Getting Started


This component use MazInput, so it inherits all his props

To use this component, you have to install the dayjs dependency

npm install dayjs

Basic Usage

Select date


  • As for the input value, min-date, max-date or disabled-dates you must provide the same and a valid format of Dayjs

    • Simply date: The better format is YYYY-MM-DD - Example: "2022-03-02" (for range picker "{ start: '2022-03-02', end: '2022-03-28' }")
    • Date Time: The better format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm or YYYY-MM-DD h:mm a - Example: "2022-03-02 16:30" or "2022-03-02 04:30 pm"
    • Only Time: HH:mm, h:mm a, etc - Example: "16:30" or "4:30 pm"
  • The returned value is formatted by days.format() function with the format provided

  • This component uses MazInput, so it inherits its props:

    • Use label & placeholder props


  • time: To enable the time picker

  • only-time: To only enable the time picker

  • format: Will be used to parse the input date (v-model) and format the date emitted on output.

  • locale: You can provide a local (example: fr-FR, en-US, de-DE, etc), otherwise the component will get the user locale from the browser language. If no browser locale is available, the component will fetch the local from (network needed). And lastly, if no browser is available from ip2c, the en-US locale is used.

  • first-day-of-week (default: 0): should be a number - Example: For France, you should set :first-day-of-week="1" to have monday at the first day of week in calendar.

  • inputDateStyle: To customize the date time format into the input - Must be a value of Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions - Default option: { dateStyle: 'full' }

  • inputDateTransformer: (payload: { formattedDate?: string; value?: PickerValue; locale: string }) => string - To transform the value displayed into the input - Must return a string

  • shortcut: With the shortcut property, you can specify a shortcut that's selected by default by passing its identifier.

  • min-date & max-date: Must have the same format as model-value - the component will validate the dates automatically - Exemple: see example

  • disabled-weekly : Days of the week which are disabled every week, in Array format with day index, Sunday as 0 and Saturday as 6: [0,4,6]

  • disabled-dates : Provides an array of date string, the days in date picker will be disabled. Time will be taken for the time picker Ex: ['2022-02-02', '2022-02-22']

  • disabled-hours : For time picker or date time picker, to globally disable hours, provide an Array format with hours value: [0, 1,..., 22, 23] (0 to 23)

  • 12h format: To enable the Date Time Picker or Time Picker with the 12h format selection mode, you must add the property format with hh:mm a or hh:mm a, etc.

  • minute-interval (default: 5): Is the interval between minutes in the Time picker

  • double: Date Picker can have 2 calendar in the same row - useful in range mode.

  • inline: see example

  • auto-close: The picker will be automatically closed after the user has selected a value

Date Picker

Select date

Date Time Picker

24 format

v-model="2022-02-03 16:30"
Select date and time

12 format

v-model="2022-02-03 04:30 pm"
Select date and time

Time Picker

24h format

v-model="2022-02-03 16:30"
Select time

12h format

v-model="2022-02-03 04:30 pm"

Select time

Range Picker

To enable the range mode, you should provide an object like this { start: undefined, end: undefined } as initiale model-value

  "start": "2024-12-05",
  "end": "2025-01-22"
Select periode

Inline with custom shortcuts


rangeValues (v-model): { "start": "2024-12-05", "end": "2025-01-22" }

min-date: 2024-12-03

max-date: 2025-01-24

2024 - 2025
Thursday, December 5 - Wednesday, January 22

Using input-date-transformer

You can use the input-date-transformer prop to transform the value displayed into the input.

Select date

Property shortcuts


interface PickerShortcut {
  identifier: string // should be uniq
  label: string
  value: {
    start: string
    end: string

type PickerShortcuts = PickerShortcut[]


import { PickerShortcut } from 'maz-ui/components/MazPicker'

const shortcuts: PickerShortcut[] = [{
  label: 'Next month',
  identifier: 'nextMonth',
  value: {
    start: dayjs().add(1, 'month').set('date', 1).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
    end: dayjs()
      .add(1, 'month')
      .set('date', dayjs().add(1, 'month').daysInMonth())
View default shortcuts
const shortcuts = [
    label: 'Last 7 days',
    identifier: 'last7Days',
    value: {
      start: dayjs().subtract(6, 'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
      end: dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
    label: 'Last 30 days',
    identifier: 'last30Days',
    value: {
      start: dayjs().subtract(29, 'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
      end: dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
    label: 'This week',
    identifier: 'thisWeek',
    value: {
      start: dayjs().startOf('week').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
      end: dayjs().endOf('week').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
    label: 'Last week',
    identifier: 'lastWeek',
    value: {
      start: dayjs()
        .subtract(1, 'week')
      end: dayjs().subtract(1, 'week').endOf('week').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
    label: 'This month',
    identifier: 'thisMonth',
    value: {
      start: dayjs().set('date', 1).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
      end: dayjs()
        .set('date', dayjs().daysInMonth())
    label: 'This year',
    identifier: 'thisYear',
    value: {
      start: dayjs().startOf('year').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
      end: dayjs().endOf('year').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
    label: 'Last year',
    identifier: 'lastYear',
    value: {
      start: dayjs()
        .subtract(1, 'year')
      end: dayjs().subtract(1, 'year').endOf('year').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),



type PickerValue = string | undefined | { start: string; end: string }


export type Position =
  | 'top'
  | 'top right'
  | 'top left'
  | 'bottom'
  | 'bottom right'
  | 'bottom left'
  | 'left'
  | 'right'

Props & Event


Prop nameDescriptionTypeValuesDefault
idThe id of the componentstring-
styleThe style of the componentTSIndexedAccessType-undefined
classThe class of the componentTSIndexedAccessType-undefined
modelValueThe value of the componentPickerValue-undefined
formatThe format of the datestring-'YYYY-MM-DD'
openIf true picker window will be openboolean-false
labelThe label of the inputstring-undefined
placeholderThe placeholder of the inputstring-undefined
inputDateStyleThe style of the input dateTSTypeReference-() => ({ dateStyle: 'full' })
inputDateTransformerThe transformer of the input dateTSFunctionType-undefined
localeThe locale of the componentstring-undefined
noHeaderIf true, the header will be hiddenboolean-false
disabledIf true, the component will be disabledboolean-false
firstDayOfWeekThe first day of the week (between 0 and 6)union-0
autoCloseIf true, the picker will close after a date selectionboolean-false
customElementSelectorThe selector of the custom element to trigger the pickerstring-undefined
doubleIf true, the picker will be doubleboolean-false
inlineIf true, the picker will be inlineboolean-false
colorThe color of the componentColor-'primary'
pickerPositionThe position of the pickerPosition-undefined
timeIf true, the picker has a time pickerboolean-false
onlyTimeIf true, the picker will be a time pickerboolean-false
minuteIntervalThe interval of the minutesnumber-5
noUseBrowserLocaleIf true, the browser locale will be usedboolean-false
noFetchLocalIf true, the browser locale will not be fetchedboolean-false
noShortcutsIf true, the shortcuts will be hiddenboolean-false
shortcutsThe shortcuts of the pickerArray-() => [
label: 'Last 7 days',
identifier: 'last7Days',
value: {
start: dayjs().subtract(6, 'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
end: dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
label: 'Last 30 days',
identifier: 'last30Days',
value: {
start: dayjs().subtract(29, 'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
end: dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
label: 'This week',
identifier: 'thisWeek',
value: {
start: dayjs().startOf('week').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
end: dayjs().endOf('week').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
label: 'Last week',
identifier: 'lastWeek',
value: {
start: dayjs().subtract(1, 'week').startOf('week').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
end: dayjs().subtract(1, 'week').endOf('week').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
label: 'This month',
identifier: 'thisMonth',
value: {
start: dayjs().set('date', 1).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
end: dayjs().set('date', dayjs().daysInMonth()).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
label: 'This year',
identifier: 'thisYear',
value: {
start: dayjs().startOf('year').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
end: dayjs().endOf('year').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
label: 'Last year',
identifier: 'lastYear',
value: {
start: dayjs().subtract(1, 'year').startOf('year').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
end: dayjs().subtract(1, 'year').endOf('year').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
shortcutThe shortcut of the pickerstring-undefined
minDateThe min date of the pickerstring-undefined
maxDateThe max date of the pickerstring-undefined
disabledWeeklyThe disabled weekly days of the pickerArray-() => []
disabledDatesThe disabled dates of the pickerArray-() => []
disabledHoursThe disabled hours of the time pickerArray-() => []
blockThe input will be displayed in full widthboolean-


Event namePropertiesDescription